Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Independance Day!

Alright I ended up not staying at OLA this weekend because they had something like a midterm break and the day students go to go home from Thursday until Monday! So Esther came home! So now I'm staying over at the boarding house from tomorrow till Sunday.

We went swimming! A hotel in Ho has a pool that's pretty cheap so there we went. I met a guy from New York and two men from the UK there.

On the 6th of March we went to a square where all the schools had a marching performance/competition. Each region has its own square and performance. They showed the one in Accra on TV and it was huge! In Accra the president is there and the military marches along with some schools. I went to the one here in Ho and it was really neat to see. First I would like to say that it was extremely hot on this particular morning so I was like sweating like crazy. Anyway about the actual thing. They had speeches, marching, and bands playing. They march different from us. They march with there arms and legs straight. When I showed the family how Americans march they thought it was rather funny. Anyways OLA's cadets got first place! Pictures next week!

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