Sunday, February 13, 2011


I have pictures of home for you!

Some of the people that live in the home.

My bed

 What they cook on
 Some of the people that live in the home. Florance is taking the picture.
 Outside my home
 My home!

I know these are kind of random and some are flipped wrong bu the cafe is about to close and its taking forever to upload.


  1. Yayaya for pictures! BUt I expect one of you in your uniform soon girly! It was great talking to you!

  2. hey hey hey
    pictures finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    love you.
    guess what!
    me and sam watched JUSTIN movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    he was soooo cute!
    never say never!

    anyway, we wanna see your school!

  3. Thanks for the photos. I love the picture of you with your host family. They look so nice!

  4. wooots i love it but i agree with pacackistan. wheres the uniform picture??? but it looks like a blasty blast

  5. ahhhhh! so excited! agreed. school uniform girlie. hah. beautiful!!! :)

  6. Wow those are so cool. you're so brave! Post more pictures when you can!

  7. Thanks for the pictures! It looks and sounds like your host family are very good to you and are taking very good care of you. We would love to see more pictures of your life in Ghana when you get the chance!

  8. Hey Mackenzie, my name is Candace. I don't know if you remember me, I am in your moms bunco league. She sent me your blog, and now I became a Blogger. Ha. I hope you don't mind that I follow your journey this semester. You are so brave to try this new adventure. I am envious. I know your mom misses you like crazy. She had to take some deep breathes when she told us about you being gone and not having pictures. Yeah, but now you sent some. That is sooo awesome. Cool, girl! Take it easy, I will be chatting with you! Big hugs!

  9. Your house is so cute! There's so many people there! And I agree with paxton you need to show the uniform.

  10. Hey Mackenzie! My name is Debbie, I am in your mom's bunco group. She sent us your blog so we can see how your trip is going. You are so brave to take on this challenge. I really admire you! I can see you are having the time of your life. Thanks to your mom for letting us share in your adventure! Talk to you soon!
