Wednesday, March 2, 2011

All is well!

Last weekend I went to a culture program. I got to see some of the high schools perform plays. OLA wasn't there but It was really, really cool to see. In most of the plays they wore traditional Ghanaian dress!

Florance and me washing our clothes!

Tomorrow I am going to sleep over in the boarding house with Esther! I am going to stay there until Sunday. I am really excited to get a taste of boarding school life at OLA. Also this weekend is the 6th of March which is Ghana's independence day. I'll tell you more about how they celebrate it after I experience it.


  1. I can't wait to hear all about it!
    These photos look like something out of a movie! What a cool experience!
    Wish I was there with you,

  2. sooo great Mac! im so happy for you hon. see you sooon! ;)

  3. I love the colorful traditional clothing.

  4. Looks like you will really appreciate the washer and dryer when you get home! All the palm trees in the back ground of the drying clothes look beautiful.
