Friday, January 21, 2011

I'm Here!

I have so much I want to say its ridiculous! First I want to tell you about the orientation in New York. The orientation itself was pretty standard but the people were amazing. They were extremely nice even though I'm pretty sure they thought I was insane. We got to meet some exchange students that were coming to the United States! They seemed excited but a bit nervous too. I took billions of pictures of everything I'm talking about but I hate to say theat you might not get to see them until next week. I will post a few then.

Anyway then we got on the plane to London and I had a four hour layover and then I was off to Accra. We left New York at night and it was sooooo beautiful. It was breathtaking!  In London I was on my own so I got a bit nervous but I'm here now so its okay! I got a window seat on both flights! Yahoo!

At the orientation in Accra I met the more wonderful people. There was 11 people, mostly from Belgium and Germany but there was also one from Canada. Of course though, he was from Quebec and spoke French. haha it was okay though. My roommate was amazing so I hung out with her a lot. The first day of orientation was soooo much fun! We went to this beautiful beach and guess what! I met Acadia and Dabney! The waves were massive! Anyway I didn't have a phone until, well, today so I couldn't call mom and dad. I promise you that there has never been a time I wanted to call home so badly. I didn't sleep so well that night. But the next morning I was off to my family.

On my was to Ho this is what I observed:
  • goats and chickens are EVERYWHERE
  • Driversin Ghana fly over speed bumps
  • I am white. People pointed it out to me many a times.
I am at my host family now. They are amazing amazing amazing! I will tell you more regarding this and my birthday in my next post. I love you and miss you all so much. But know that I am also having so much fun!


  1. Sounds awesome, Mackenzie! I couldn't find you on FB, but if you search "Katie Gutierrez East Mountain High School" you'll find me. (:

  2. Finally! Something new to read! lol. I'm glad you're having fun! I can't wait to see your pictures. I miss you!!

  3. hey ur nose!haha i'm glad to hear u've been enjoying in ghana! but, me, mom and dad miss u sooooo much. we can't wait to see ur wonderful pictures, also call us!;) have fun!! love you

  4. Glad to hear you made it okay. You are white. My sister spent two months on an exchange to Japan. She found out that she is white too. And the little kids wanted to touch her hair (its not blonde, but its lighter than most Japanese people were used to in those days 1976).


  5. Hey Mackenzie!
    You're going to have an AMAZING time in Ghana!
    Can't wait to read more. Enjoy every moment!

  6. It's about time! I've been stalking this blog everyday. That's sounds so awesome though and I can't wait until your next post. Hope you had a great birthday! (and did you read my card from yesterday?)

  7. I am so excited for you!!!!! This is very exciting!!!!!!

  8. Hi Mackenzie, Sounds pretty awesome! Post pictures of the goats and chickens and stuff when you can!
